Class 5


Fire Safety Workshop

Class 5 were lucky enough to have Simon from the Fire Safety team come and visit us. He started by telling us about the 4 main emergency services (Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade and Coast Guard) and explained that we can reach them all by calling 999 if there is an emergency. He then focused more on telling us about what we should do if there is a fire in our home.

We learnt that we should hear the smoke alarm if a fire starts and this tells us we should leave the house. It is really important that our adults check our smoke alarms once a month to make sure they are working properly. He explained the importance of leaving the house quickly and why we should leave our belongs behind if there is a fire. We even had a go at practising ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ for if our clothes had caught fire. We learnt lots of important information about fire safety that we can’t wait to share with our adults!

Design & Technology - Baby Bear's Chair (Structures)

This week we tested, designed and created our own Baby Bear chairs. We started by exploring the stability of different structures, and discussed which features make something more stable or not e.g. whether it has flat or curved surfaces.

On the second day, we created our own cylinders, cuboid and triangular prisms using card. We talked about how we could test the strength of our cylinders using a set of books, and then what we needed to do to improve the strength of them.

Which structure do you think will be the most stable? Why?

I think the cuboid because it stood up really well – Serena

I think the triangular prism because it has a flat base – Theo

I think the cuboid because it has a bigger space on the top so the books can balance- Ottilie

Which structure was the most stable? Why?

 The cylinder was the strongest because it has a circle which meant it can balance better – Alana

The prism wasn’t as strong because it has a triangle at the top so it couldn’t balance – Diana

The cuboid was stronger than the prism because it has a square on the top to help it stay up – Poppy. P

Using our knowledge from the first two lessons, we then went on to design a chair for baby bear which was ‘just right’. Using a range of available materials, we created our own chairs and tested/evaluated their effectiveness. We had so much fun! 

Careers Related Learning - Nursing and Florence Nightingale

This afternoon we were lucky enough to have a visit from Mark who works at the NHS. He came to speak to us about the vital work that the NHS do to help people. We discussed some of the important jobs that people in the NHS do before thinking about what it is like to work in a hospital. We shared with him our knowledge of Florence Nightingale and he told us about how hospitals have changed since the Victorian era. These changes included cleanliness, uniforms and knowledge of medicines. Some of us even got to try on the uniforms!  

Bread Roll Evaluation

This week we were lucky enough to make some fresh bread rolls. We used our design sheets from last week to figure out which ingredients and equipment we would need, and then set to work creating our bread rolls! Once they had cooled down, we taste tested them. We then took our second bread roll home to try at home with our grown-ups. We completed an evaluation sheet, which helped us identify what went well during our bread roll making and things we could improve on next time.

Bread Making - following instructions!

Today we had to carefully follow some instructions to make some delicious bread rolls. We started by checking we had all the correct measurements for our ingredients and then worked step by step to create our bread rolls. We had a lot of fun and they tasted yummy!

Arts Week – A Winter Scene

This week we created a beautiful Winter Scene. We started by exploring colour and how to make as many tones of one colour as possible using white. We then painted a winter sunset starting with white, progressing to dark purple. To improve our sketching and cutting skills we drew a winter tree using a template and very carefully cut it out. Next, we stuck the tree on to our winter sunset to create a silhouette and discussed the effect of light and dark. Finally, we sketched a fox, cut it out and stuck it on the foreground of our winter scene. See below for our creations!

Germ Investigation

Today we learnt all about germs. We talked about what germs were and the three different types; fungi, bacteria and viruses. To help us learn how easily germs spread, we conducted an investigation. First, we spread lotion on our hands. Then we pretended tiny pieces of glitter were germs! We rubbed our hands together and watched the glitter germs spread. We were surprised at just how far the ‘germs’ spread. Next, we cleaned our hands using a paper towel but the glitter would not come off. In fact, it went everywhere! Finally, we washed our hands thoroughly using soap and water which helped get rid of most of the germs. See below for some photos of our investigation!

How do we keep healthy? 

'Drink lots of water', 'Eat vegetables and fruits', We need to do lots of exercise', 'Get lots of sleep'.

What are germs?

'Germs are things that are on your hands and can make you poorly', 'They are organisms which means they are living things', 'They are very small so we can't see them'. 

How can we prevent germs from spreading?

'By washing our hands', 'Don't touch one another'.

Learning about Exercise!

Today we learnt about the impact of exercise on our bodies. We started by brainstorming the types of exercise we enjoy and why it is important to exercise. Afterwards, we investigated how exercise impacts our bodies by completing 1-minute exercises and discussing how we felt afterwards. Here are the photos and findings from our investigation!

What is exercise and why is it important?

'Lifting weights is exercise', 'Moving our bodies and making them work hard', 'It makes us healthy and strong', 'It makes you feel happy', 'It can make you flexible', 'It makes you fit'. 

What happens to our bodies after exercise? 

'My heart goes faster', 'I get tired out', 'My legs were aching'. 

Geography - Food Tasting

As we have been learning about the 7 continents, we had the opportunity to taste a selection of foods from each of them. We tasted coffee from South America, figs from Africa, croissants from Europe, naan bread from Asia, blueberries from North America and vegemite from Australia. We discussed the different tastes and textures we experienced and chose which food they liked the most.



Life Cycle: Flower Plants

Today we learnt all about the life cycle of a flowering plant. We started by recapping the names of some of the plants we discovered last week to see how many we could remember. Afterwards, we looked at the different stages of a plant’s growth and practised putting a sunflower plant’s life cycle in the correct order. Finally, we created our own life cycle flowers, using coloured card to create petals which represented the different stages of the cycle.

Haynes Motor Museum

In preparation for our new history topic (all about different types of transport), Year 2 had a very exciting day at Haynes Motor Museum! We all had a go at three different activities. This included learning about the parts of a car, then having a go at making one by ourselves. We soon realised it worked better as a production line, because there are so many parts to remember and some of them were very fiddly! We also had a look around the whole museum, and had the challenge of finding as many car mascots as possible. We finished off with a guided tour and looked at loads of different cars throughout the ages.  We learnt so many new interesting facts ready for our new transport unit.

Kenya Arts Week

Our topic in Geography this half term was Kenya. This week we had a very exciting week creating lots of art related to Kenya! We started by looking at lots of pictures from Kenya, and noticed that the Maasai Tribe wear a lot of colourful clothes and jewellery, particularly red. We also spent some time analysing animal patterns such as those from zebras, giraffes and leopards. We practiced creating our own animal patterns using a variety of different mediums. Later, we used our favourite to become the background for our own silhouette pictures.

DT – Structures - Baby Bear’s Chair

This week we tested, designed and created our own Baby Bear chairs. We started by exploring the stability of different structures, and discussed which features make something more stable or not e.g. whether it has flat or curved surfaces.

On the second day, we created our own cylinders, cuboid and triangular prisms using card. We talked about how we could test the strength of our cylinders using a set of books, and then what we needed to do to improve the strength of them.

Which structure do you think will be the most stable? Why?
I think the cuboid because I think it is taller than the others.
I think the cylinder because it is like the legs on the table.
I think the triangular prism is more stable because it is triangular.
I think the cuboid because it is square.
I think the cuboid because it has 4 sides and looks like a tower.
I think the cuboid because it looks more stable.
I think the triangular prism because it has 3 sides like a tripod.
I think the cylinder because the top and the bottom are flat.

Which structure was the most stable? Why?
I think the cylinder was the strongest because lots of structures have circles on them.
Because it has a flat bottom and it has one side.
Because we could stack the most books on it.

How can we make it more stable?
Add more than one leg.
Overlap the paper before we stick it.
Make the shape perfect to make it more stable.
Make it out of card because card is stronger than paper.

Using our knowledge from the first two lessons, we then went on to design a chair for baby bear which was ‘just right’. Using a range of available materials, we then created our own chairs and tested / evaluated their effectiveness. We had so much fun! See below for some of our work!

After testing out our chairs, we completed our evaluations. We considered what went well and what we would do differently next time.

Bread Making

Over the last few weeks, we had a go at designing and making our own bread rolls! We had to carefully follow some instructions to make some delicious bread rolls. We started by checking we had all the correct measurements of our ingredients and then worked step by step to create our bread rolls. We used our plans to make sure they were the right shape. We had a lot of fun and they tasted yummy!

Food Tasting

As we have been learning about the 7 continents, we had the opportunity to taste a selection of foods from each of them. We tasted coffee from South America, figs from Africa, croissants from Europe, naan bread from Asia, blueberries from North America and vegemite from Australia. We discussed the different tastes and textures we experienced and chose which food they liked the most.

Which was your favourite food?

Autumn – I liked blueberries from North America.
Bethany – I liked the vegemite from Australia.
Bella – I liked the Naan from Asia.
Toby – I liked the croissant from Europe.

Science – The ladybird Life Cycle

We started today by recapping the human life cycle and discussing how other animal’s life cycles can differ. For example, some animals come from eggs, and are not given birth to by their mother like mammals might be. We worked in pairs to try accurately matching animals and their young, talking about whether they came from eggs or not. We then looked in detail at the life cycle of a ladybird and created our own ladybird life cycle, using paper plates and paint. We learnt the new words ‘larvae’ and ‘pupae’.



Library Visit

Today we were lucky enough to visit Yeovil Library with our class. The librarian talked to us about how the library works and showed us how they section their books e.g. into fiction and non-fiction. They also explained how a library card works. We were allowed to spend some time exploring all the exciting books they had to offer and looked at some Roald Dahl and Julia Donaldson books because we have been using them in our English lessons this year. See below for some photos of our visit!

Haynes Motor Museum

In preparation for our new history topic (all about different types of transport), Year 2 had a very exciting day at Haynes Motor Museum! We all had a go at three different activities. This included learning about the parts of a car, then having a go at making one by ourselves. We soon realised it worked better as a production line, because there are so many parts to remember and some of them were very fiddly! We also had a look around the whole museum, and had the challenge of finding as many car mascots as possible. We finished off with a guided tour and looked at loads of different cars throughout the ages. We learnt so many new interesting facts ready for our new transport unit.


Our topic in Geography this half term was Kenya. This week we had a very exciting week creating lots of art related to Kenya! We started by looking at lots of pictures from Kenya, and noticed that the Maasai Tribe wear a lot of colourful clothes and jewellery, particularly red. We then went on to create our own African masks, thinking carefully about the colours and patterns that we used. We also spent some time analysing animal patterns such as those from zebras, giraffes and leopards. We practised creating our own animal patterns and then selected one of these animals to create an African pattern silhouette picture. See below for some of our work!


King Charles Coronation

Today we celebrated King Charles Coronation at school. We were invited to dress up as royalty or the colours red, white and blue. We then designed our own plates and bunting! In the afternoon we had a tea party with another class in school. We ate cakes, sang songs and played games – it was so much fun! See below for some photos!

Westlands Trip

We were lucky enough to visit Westlands to watch a concert by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. We were so excited to listen to their music and we had a lot of fun! We went on an animal adventure with the orchestra and even got to join in with creating a song. See below for some photos from our visit.

Longleat Visitor

We have recently been learning all about animal adaptations in our science topic and next term, we are starting our new topic on Kenya in Geography. In preparation for this, we were lucky enough to have some special visitors from Longleat today! Some Longleat team members bought in a range of small mammals and creatures for us to explore. We had great fun learning all about these amazing animals and learnt so many new and interesting facts! See below for some photos of our visitors.

Vocabulary Day

Today we were invited to dress up as our favourite word! We enjoyed showing each other our outfits and telling each other the definitions of our words. We went on a special vocabulary parade with the rest of KS1. See below for some of our outfits!

Comic Relief

For Comic Relief Day we dressed up as Little Miss or Mr Men Characters. We had so much fun! See below for some of our outfits.

Science Week

This week we celebrated Science Week! This year’s theme was ‘connections’. On Monday we started by defining science and exploring what it means to be a Scientist. Afterwards we conducted a biscuit dunking experiment across the school. We used data from this to create different types of graphs on Purple Mash. On Tuesday we were lucky enough to make connections with Leonardo, who presented some of the work that they do. We also watched a live lesson on why tractors are connected to Space! In the afternoon we learnt about electricity through the Curious Cat and went on an electricity hunt around school. Later in the week we learnt about animal food chains and the future of technology, and also conducted a ‘Bridge Blunder’ and ‘floating paperclip’ experiment. To summarise our week we spent time connecting with another class, and shared the vocabulary that we had learnt with them, which we displayed on a t-shirt. See below for our investigation work and photos from the week.

World Book Day

Today, we celebrated World Book Day at Huish Primary School. We were asked to bring in our favourite stories from home and shared these with our friends at school and pupils from another class. We also completed a vocabulary activity – we were challenged to find a word from each letter of the alphabet in our book. Z and X were really tricky to find! See below for some of our work.

Art - John Dyer

This week we have been focusing on artist John Dyer. We started by learning about John Dyer and looking through some of his art work. We noticed that his paintings contained bright colours and many of them were set near the sea. We chose our favourite John Dyer painting and practiced carefully sketching birds, boats and daffodils in our sketchbook. We then replicated our favourite creations onto cartridge paper and stuck them onto a blue wash background to create our own John Dyer painting. See below for the process that we took! 

Mental Health Week

This week we celebrated Mental Health Week at Huish Primary School and took part in a variety of fun activities throughout the week! We started with a Mental Health assembly and talked about the Special People in our lives, who could support us when we aren’t feeling quite right. We then worked alongside another class in school to go on a mental health treasure hunt! We also created a Mental Health Jigsaw based on our theme of Healthy Relationships. Throughout the week we looked for Positive Pebbles which had been placed around the school and every day we read a story related to our Mental Health. For example, Lucy’s Blue Day, Ruby’s Worry and The Colour Monster. We also wore scarves to school to celebrate the SCARF values which we follow. See below for some photos!


Today we had an exciting snow morning at Huish Primary School! We went outside for a little bit to enjoy the snow and then came in to warm up! See below for some of the fun that we had.

International Day

Today we celebrated International Day at Huish Primary School. This year the country we were celebrating was India. In Year 2 we started by studying and creating our own Rangoli patterns in maths. We had to think carefully about the different shapes and colours we used. Afterwards, we learnt all about India in more detail! We looked at its geography, including population and key landmarks. We then created a Rangoli patterned plate. See below for some of our work!

Florence Nightingale

This week we were very lucky to take part in a Florence Nightingale workshop. We started by recapping all the information we knew about Florence Nightingale and compared this to Mary Seacole. Then, we split into three groups to complete different activities. One group took part in some role play, and had the opportunity to feel what it was like being a nurse or solder in the Crimean War. Another group had to design a healthy meal for a soldier, and the final group got to look through some cases filled with items which Florence Nightingale would have used. See below for some of our activities!

Baby Bears Chair

This week we tested, designed and created our own Baby Bear chairs. We started by exploring the stability of different structures, and discussed which features make something more stable or not e.g. whether it has flat or curved surfaces. We then walked around the school identifying and discussing different structures. On the second day we created our own cylinders, using a range of different materials. We talked about how we could test the strength of our cylinders using a set of books, and then what we needed to do to improve the strength of them. Using our knowledge from the first two lessons, we then went on to design a chair for baby bear which was ‘just right’. Using a range of available materials, we then created our own chairs and tested / evaluated their effectiveness. We had so much fun! See below for some of our work!

Christmas Activities

These past few weeks we have been getting in the festive mood with a range of Christmas activities. We had a special Christmas lunch at school, and wore our festive jumpers to celebrate. We had our own Year 2 Christmas party, and also performed a nativity for our grown-ups. We have also been doing some Christmas art and had Nutty Noah as a special guest in KS1. See below for some photos!

Maths Week

This week we celebrated Maths Week in Year 2. We participated in a wide range of activities to develop our reasoning and problem-solving skills. We used dice to find different combinations of numbers up to 12, and read the story of Spinderella to find out how many legs different football teams had…this was tricky because there were spiders on each team, and they had lots of legs to count! We completed two open ended investigations to work out which coins Ben might have in his pocket and which numbers from 0 – 50 could be made with ladybirds who had 4 or 7 spots. We learnt how to work systematically to investigate this. Finally, we completed some word problems, linking this closely with our current addition and subtraction topic. See below for some pictures of our week.

Bread Making

Class 5 have been learning about Bread in DT. We have talked about different breads from around the world and how bread is made. In English, we have been learning about instructions. Therefore, we followed instructions to make our own bread rolls. Next, we will be writing a set of instructions for someone else to follow if they wanted to make their own bread. Our instructions will include time connectives, imperative verbs and adverbs.


This week we learnt all about origami. We started by learning about the origins of origami and some fun facts about it. We then learnt how to make an origami dog and had to carefully work through several steps to create our dog. We were then tasked with decorating our dog, and thought about the different colours and patterns we could use. Some of us even had a challenge to complete if we were done! See below for some photos of how we got on.


This week, we started our new DT topic, all about bread. We started our lesson by briefly looking at the process of making bread and mapped out where different breads came from all over the World. We then taste tested different breads such as bagel, wholemeal and pitta bread. We discussed their shapes, sizes, tastes and textures and looked at how each bread was used in the culture that it came from. Finally, we started thinking about what we would need to make our own bread rolls in a few weeks.

Mental Health Dance Workshop

Today, Year 2 were lucky enough to take part in a Mental Health Dance Workshop. We started by talking about what mental health is and some of the strategies we can use to keep our minds healthy. We then learnt a dance to the Greatest Showman song ‘This is me’ to reflect the feelings we might have, and how to overcome them. We had so much fun – see below for some of our photos!

Germ Investigation

This week in Science we learnt all about germs. We talked about what germs were and the three different types; fungi, bacteria and viruses. To help us learn how easily germs spread, we conducted an investigation … First, we spread lotion on our hands. Then we pretended tiny pieces of glitter were germs! We rubbed our hands together and watched the glitter germs spread. We were surprised at just how far the ‘germs’ spread. Next, we cleaned our hands using a paper towel but the glitter would not come off. In fact, it went everywhere! Finally, we washed our hands thoroughly using soap and water which helped get rid of most of the germs. See below for some photos of our investigation!

Arts Week- Winter Scene

This week we created a beautiful Winter Scene. We started by exploring colour and how to make as many tones of one colour as possible using white. We then painted a winter sunset starting with white, progressing to dark purple. To improve our sketching and cutting skills we drew a winter tree using a template and very carefully cut it out. Next, we stuck the tree on to our winter sunset to create a silhouette and discussed the effect of light and dark. Finally, we sketched a fox, cut it out and stuck it on the foreground of our winter scene.


This half term, Class 5 have been working really hard on creating our own globes. We used a material called Modroc to coat our balloons, and then painted them blue to represent the sea. We then labelled and cut out the seven continents and stuck these on, thinking carefully about their position on the globe. It was such a fun process! See below for some pictures of our work.

Back to School

Class 5 have settled into Year 2 well and have been working very hard at the start of the new school year. In English, we have written about the stories, ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ and ‘On the Way Home’. In Maths, we have been learning the place value of numbers to 100 and used our knowledge to begin partitioning. In Science we have been learning about life cycles and created our own ladybird life cycle plates. In Geography, we have learned about the seven continents and five oceans. Soon, we will all be making our own globes!




Our topic in Geography last half term was Kenya. This week we had a very exciting week creating lots of art related to Kenya! We started by looking at lots of pictures from Kenya, and noticed that the Maasai Tribe wear a lot of colourful clothes and jewellery, particularly red. We then went on to create our own African masks, thinking carefully about the colours and patterns that we used. We also spent some time analysing animal patterns such as those from zebras, giraffes and leopards. We practiced creating our own animal patterns and then selected one of these animals to create an African sunset silhouette painting. See below for some of our work!

Carymoor Environmental Centre

On Monday we had so much fun visiting Carymoor Environmental Centre! During the Spring Term we innovated the story of Stick Man, so the team at Carymoor put on a special Stick Man day for us. We had the opportunity to make our own Stick Man and went for a walk in the woods to identify how many Stick Man figures we could find! We talked about the different characters in Stick Man and had to follow the clues to work out which animals had left footprints or items around the site. For example, we found a swan feather and cat print! We also did lots of other Stick Man activities – take a look at our photos to find out more!

Vocabulary Day

Today we were invited to dress up as our favourite word! We enjoyed showing each other our outfits and telling each other the definitions of our words. We then completed a vocabulary task and had to use a dictionary to find an unusual word beginning with each letter of the alphabet. See below for some our outfits and work!

Haynes Motor Museum

In preparation for our new history topic (all about different types of transport), Year 2 had a very exciting day at Haynes Motor Museum! We all had a go at some different activities. This included learning about the parts of a car, then having a go at making one by ourselves. We soon realised it worked better as a production line, because there are so many parts to remember and some of them were very fiddly! We also had a look around the whole museum, and had the challenge of finding as many car mascots as possible. We finished off with a guided tour and looked at loads of different cars throughout the ages. We learnt so many new interesting facts ready for our new transport unit.

Jubilee Celebrations

Today we held a celebration at school for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We had so much fun singing songs, dancing and eating cake! We were also asked to design a special crown and Mrs Carlock voted for the best crown in each year group. See below for some photos of our afternoon!

International Dance Day

Today it was International Dance Day and we were so lucky to be invited to Westfield school to take part in a safari themed workshop! We had so much fun creating and showing off our dances. See below for some photos of what we did!

Longleat Trip

In preparation for our new topic about Kenya, we visited Longleat today. It was lovely weather and we had so much fun learning about all the animals you might find on safari. We saw lions, tigers, flamingos and even rhinos! See below for some of the animals we were lucky enough to see.

Science Week

This week we celebrated Science Week! This year’s theme was ‘growth’. We started by defining science and exploring some famous scientists worldwide. We were lucky to conduct lots of different investigations during the week which included exploring how to escape the ice, the growth of Spring Onions and how to test for different types of plastic! Throughout the week we also took part in other exciting activities such as watching and exploring different types of bugs, a virtual fieldtrip all about our green planet, sharing and categorising plants and taking part in a fun science show! See below for our investigation work and photos from the week.

3D Shapes

Today we used spaghetti and marshmallows to create as many different 3D shapes as possible. We started the lesson by going on a 3D shape hunt to identify some of the shapes we could make. We quickly realised we would only be able to make shapes which had straight edges such as cubes, pyramids, cuboids and triangular prisms. Within our groups we came up with some strategies and top tips for creating our shapes and then had a go at making them! It was quite tricky and the spaghetti kept snapping but we had so much fun. See some of the shapes we created below!

World Book Day

We celebrated by dressing up as our favourite book characters. We spent some time looking at each other’s outfits and talking about our favourite books. We then shared our favourite books and looked at some books being read aloud. See below for some photos of our outfits!


This week we have been focusing on artist John Dyer. We started by learning about John Dyer and looking through some of his art work. We noticed that his paintings contained bright colours and many of them were set near the sea. We chose our favourite John Dyer painting and practiced carefully sketching birds, boats and daffodils in our sketchbook. We then replicated our favourite creations onto cartridge paper and stuck them onto a blue wash background to create our own John Dyer painting.

Mental Health Awareness Day

Today we celebrated Mental Health Day at Huish Primary School. We all wore scarves, which stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience & Friendship! We started by learning about what Mental Health means and read the story of Ruby’s worry. We retold the story to our talk partners and then shared some examples of times when we have had a worry. One of the biggest solutions to solving our worries is to share them! We drew a picture to represent what we look and feel like once we have shared our worries. After breaktime, we learnt about a strategy to cope with our worries, called Mindfulness. We worked as a class to try some of these strategies. For example, we used ‘rainbow relaxation’, breathing techniques and bubble bouncing to help us relax. To finish we were tasked with completing some Mindfulness colouring and some of us had a go at drawing ‘our happy place’. See below for some pictures of us in our scarves!

Bread Making!

Today we had so much fun making our own bread rolls. We have been learning all about instructions this week, and carefully followed a set of instructions to make our bread. Our favourite part was kneading our bread rolls into shape! Once they were baked, we let them cool down and had a taste – they were yummy! See below for some photos of our morning.

International Day

Today we celebrated International Day at Huish! This year we learnt all about Spain. We started by learning facts about Spain’s history, geography and population! We then created a Spain factfile which we shared and compared with our peers. Later in the afternoon we were lucky enough to participate in a Flamenco dance workshop…it was so much fun!


Year 2 had a very exciting time in the lead up to Christmas! The past couple of weeks they have been busy learning all about money in maths, materials in science and even wrote their own non-fiction reports about Florence Nightingale in English. In the final week before Christmas they completed a DT project all about stability, and were challenged to make their own Baby Bear chairs, which had to be ‘just right’! In music they practiced their favourite Christmas songs and had to perform these, using their best singing voices. We also took part in lots of Christmas activities like designing Christmas wreaths, eating Christmas dinner, watching Christmas films and a Christmas party with dancing and games! We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!

Winter Scene

This week we created a beautiful Winter Scene. We started by painting a winter sunset starting with white, progressing to dark purple. To improve our sketching and cutting skills we drew a winter tree using a template and very carefully cut it out. Next, we stuck the tree on to our winter sunset to create a silhouette and discussed the effect of light and dark. Finally, we sketched a fox, cut it out and stuck it on the foreground of our winter scene. See below for our creations!


This week we had so much fun experiencing foods from around the World. We began our lesson by recalling the names of the seven continents and five oceans. We tested our locational knowledge on seterra. Then, we learned about, and tasted, some traditional foods from each continent (apart from Antarctica). We had: crossaint from Europe, naan from Asia, coffee from South America, blackberries from North America, figs from Africa and vegemite from Australia. The children shared their opinions of their favourite and least favourite foods!

Finished globes!

This week we finished making our globes for our geography topic all about the world. We cut out and carefully stuck on our continents, thinking carefully about where they went. We really enjoyed making our globes, even though it was tricky at times! See below for some of our photos.

Non- Fiction Writing

Over the past two weeks, Class 5 have been focusing on non-fiction texts in English. We have identified some of the key features of non-fiction writing, including headings, contents pages, indexes and captions. As we have been learning about the seven continents of the world in Geography, the children worked in teams to produce a non-fiction report about each of these. Next week, they will be writing a full report about one of the continents.

Welcome to Class 5

The first few weeks have flown by as Class 5 have been busy settling into their new classroom and routines. In English, we have been learning about ‘On the Way Home’ by Jill Murphy. The children have learned about verbs and adjectives and created their own versions. In Maths, we have been developing our understanding of place value and numbers up to 100. We have sequenced two-digit numbers and begun to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. In Geography, we have been learning about the continents and the oceans of the world. We started to make our own globes, but some of our balloons popped!! We will be continuing to make these over the next few weeks. If you would like to test your child’s learning, use and select the continents and oceans quiz.



Year 2 Wedding!

Year 2 celebrated ‘RE Day’ by learning about marriage. The children were keen to share their experiences of weddings. We started by discussing why people get married, where people get married and that not all marriages are the same. Then, compared the similarities and differences between a traditional Christian and Jewish wedding. To finish the day, we held our own Christian wedding. We had a bride, a groom, ceremony and even got the chance to have a dance and some food.


This half term, we have been learning about Kenya! We started with pick n mix homework. The children produced some fantastic work, including craft animals, top trump cards and maps. In school, we began by learning some key facts about the location and features of Kenya. We learned about Kenyan exports, the Maasai Mara tribe and the ‘Big 5’! After this topic, we wrote a non-fiction report about Kenya and all we have learned. Finally, we produced some Kenyan art. This included tribal masks and animal fur patterns.

Summer Term

Class 5 have had a busy and exciting start to the Summer Term. In maths we have been learning all about measurement and direction. We conducted our own measurement investigation and also gave each other directions around the playground to reach different points. In science we have created plant life cycles and even went on a plant hunt at school to identify as many plants as we could! We went on to test the best conditions for growing cress and found that sunlight and water helped the most. In English we have been reading and re-creating Roald Dahl stories and in history we have been learning all about Kenya. We practiced drawing the Big 5 Safari animals and had the opportunity to taste Kenyan Tea – some of us thought it was delicious! We are very excited to be creating some Kenyan art soon as well.

Class 5 have had a busy end to the Spring Term!

In maths they created different 3D shapes from marshmallows and spaghetti and in Science they have been learning all about habitats. They went on a habitat and mini-beast hunt around the school and carefully sketched the creatures that they found. In art they spent a week creating their own John Dyer paintings using lots of bright colours and also went on an Easter egg hunt outside! Class 5 have had so much fun being back at school and can’t wait for the Summer Term.

Science Week - Creating Future Scientists

This week it has been British Science Week! We have had so much fun learning all about the importance of Science and developing our Scientific Skills.
Our focus in history this term has been Shackleton’s adventure to Antarctica, so we wanted to link our science week work to this. We recapped our knowledge of Antarctica and identified that it is one of the coldest places on Earth. We looked at some of the research which has already taken place there…one of our questions which arose from this, is how do researchers stay warm? We decided to investigate which materials are most thermal, and therefore most suitable for wearing in Antarctica. We decided which materials might be the best thermal insulators and set up an investigation using ice, beakers, a thermometer and our chosen materials. We talked about how to make our test fair and then tested which beaker of water stayed the warmest the longest…we found that materials such as cling film help to trap the most heat.
Afterwards we discussed our results and drew a conclusion on the best thermal insulator. Finally, we learnt about Charles Macintosh, who researched and created the waterproof coat. Some of us even got certificates based on the different science skills that we demonstrated during the week.

Last of Home Learning

Class 5 have completed their final two weeks of home learning and are excited to get back to school! Over the past two weeks we have been learning all about shape in maths, and reading about owls in English. In History we started learning about our new topic ‘explorers’ and can’t wait to find out more about Shackleton’s adventure this half term! We have also had World Book Day and ‘digital unplugged day’. On World Book Day we celebrated our favourite books by writing book reviews and designing our own bookmarks and for our ‘unplugged’ day we created buildings from 3D shapes and wrote thank you cards to the people who have helped us during lockdown. We were also encouraged to get outside and explore!

February Home Learning

Class 5 have been continuing to work incredibly hard with their home learning. Over the past few weeks we have been developing our atlas and map skills, creating window art and designing our own games on Purple Mash. Please continue to send your teachers in Year 2 photos of all the fantastic work you have been doing, so that they can share it with the rest of the class. Have a lovely half term break!

January Home Learning

Class 5 have been working really hard on their home learning this month! We were tasked to make some bread, get involved in some activities related to Australia for International Day and create our own set of instructions. We have also been doing lots of reading on Get Epic and working hard on our multiplication and division skills in maths. Flick through some of the photos below to see what we have been doing!


The past few weeks we have had so much fun getting ready for Christmas. We performed songs for our adults at home and had a great time at our Christmas Party where we played musical bumps, musical statues and danced all afternoon! We have also been doing lots of crafts this week and created snowflakes, reindeer Christmas cards, collage Christmas trees and the longest paper chain we have ever made! See below for some photos of all the fun we had!

Classroom to Care Home

We all know that this year has been particularly tough for the most vulnerable in society. With this in mind, Year 2 decided to send some Christmas wishes to staff and residents of The Ferns, Yeovil. We wrote letters, made Christmas cards and designed some decorations. The children spoke about how they felt to be doing something kind and caring for other people.

Earth Day!

For Earth day we looked at ways in which we can help save our planet. We started by learning about plastic pollution and writing a piece of persuasive writing to the Yeovil community about how they can reduce their plastic waste. We then watched The Lorax so we could see how important trees are for us, animals and the world. We decided to make posters to remind everyone to ‘Save the Trees!’. First, we wrote those words, very big, to make them eye-catching. Then we drew a tree and used brown and green tissue paper to stick on our trees- we cut them up so they would fit! When we had finished this we then went to pick a fallen leaf and stuck it on our tree.

Arts Week!

This week we had so much fun creating ‘Winter Scene’ pictures for arts week. We started by exploring colour and how to make as many tones of one colour as possible using white. We then painted a winter sunset starting with white, progressing to dark purple. To improve our sketching and cutting skills we drew a winter tree using a template and very carefully cut it out. Next, we stuck the tree on to our winter sunset to create a silhouette and discussed the effect of light and dark. Finally, we sketched a fox, cut it out and stuck it on the foreground of our winter scene. See below for our beautiful creations!

Food from around the world!

Today we tested our country and continent knowledge by learning about and tasting food from around the world. We started by locating a country and talking about its continent and how we might travel there. Then we looked in more detail about the country and tasted some food that the country is well known for. We tried naan bread, croissants, blueberries, figs and coffee. We really liked the croissant, but most of us did not like the coffee!

Globe making!

This week we started the process of creating our globes again, as the first ones didn’t go quite right. We carefully used a paper mâché process to coat our balloons with newspaper. We then used blue tissue paper to create the oceans and finally stuck on our green continents. We had so much fun making them – you can find some photos below of the whole process and our final globes!

Welcome to Class 5’s blog page

We hope you will enjoy using this page to see all the exciting things we have been up to.

Class 5 have had a great start to the new term, and have been working really hard! We have enjoyed learning about ‘The Tiger who came to tea’ and ‘On the way home’ in English and are getting ready to innovate our own fantastic stories. In maths we have been doing some amazing counting and in Geography we are going to start creating our own globes which we can’t wait to share with you. Last week we learnt about the continents and came up with some actions for each one. See below for some of our favourite moments from the first couple of weeks.

Ladybird Life Cycle

In Science we have been learning all about different animal life cycles. The past two weeks we have been focusing on the ladybird life cycle. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary such as pupae and larvae. We have also worked really hard to create some ladybird life cycle plates, which you can see some photos of below! They were so good, we have used them to create a year group display.



Home Learning

Hi Class 5,

As we move forward into the last couple of weeks of home learning, here are some more photos of all the fantastic things you have been up to! You have all continued to do a fantastic job of working so hard and should be very proud of yourselves! I am very excited to see you all in a couple of week’s time! Love from, Miss Tucker.

Week Beginning 27th April

Hello Class 5,

I hope you’ve all had a good few weeks and have continued to do a fantastic job with your home learning. It has been lovely catching up with many of you on the phone. See below for some photos of what your friends in Class 5 have been up to – including nature pictures, baking, doing sports, mask making and gardening! Keep up the great work! Love from, Miss Tucker.

Week Beginning 20th April

Hello,Class 5! Well done on another week of home learning. It has been so lovely hearing and seeing all the things you have been up to these past few weeks and I can see how hard you have been working! We are very lucky that it has been sunny nearly every day, which means a lot of your learning can be done outside. Please see below for some more photos of what Class 5 have been up to. If you haven’t already, email me to let me know how you have been getting on – I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Love from, Miss Tucker.

Easter Holidays

Hi Class 5, I hope you have all had a lovely Easter holiday break and have been enjoying the sunshine! It feels strange not coming back into school after the holidays but I hope you are ready for your learning again – you have all been doing an amazing job so far! It has been lovely seeing what you have been up to – see below for a selection of photos from Class 5 over the past few weeks which includes bug hunting, exploring, Easter card making, bread creating and many more exciting activities! Remember to email photos of what you have been up to so that I can share them on our Class blog. Love from, Miss Tucker.

Hello Class 5!

It has been a strange couple of weeks not being at school, but we hope you have settled into doing your learning at home. It has been so lovely to hear from you, and to see some photos of the fantastic work you have been doing. Please find some of the lovely rainbow pictures that were completed yesterday, which I hope will brighten your day! If you haven’t done so already, please email me so that I can hear how you have been getting on. Love from, Miss Tucker.

World Book Day

Today we had so much fun dressing up as our favourite book characters! We had a great time looking at everyone’s costumes and talking about why we had chosen our character. We then had some time to chose our favourite book and read these, sharing our best bits with others in the class. See below for some of our costumes and see if you can guess who we were!

3D Shape – Marshmallows and Spaghetti!

We had so much fun creating 3D shapes from marshmallows and spaghetti! We recapped the main 3D shapes and were then challenged to create a cube, cuboid, pyramid and triangular prism – we quickly realised we could not create a sphere or cone because of their curved edges. We used our creations to work out how many faces, vertices and edges each shape had. See below for some of our work!

Data collection!

These past few weeks we have been learning all about data collection and presentation. This week we received an important letter asking us to help collect data on KS1’s favourite fruit and vegetables. Working in groups of five, we thoughtfully designed a tally chart to ask another KS1 class and then collected the information. Additionally, we presented this data as a pictogram and block graph. We then analysed our data to identify which fruits and vegetables were least and most popular across KS1 and presented this to the class. See below for some photos of our work!

International Day – Africa!

Today we had so much fun learning all about Africa. We started by taking part in an African Dance workshop. The song we learnt came from a country in Africa, called Ghana. There were lots of steps involved, and we had so much fun learning to shimmy and shake! We then performed our dances in front of Class 6, who were very impressed with our moves!
In the afternoon, we then had a really interesting talk from Miss Major who went trekking with gorillas in Rwanda. She showed us some amazing photos! We were then tasked to create our own African jungle, and carefully drew a picture of a gorilla to stick on. They looked lovely and we really enjoyed creating them!

See below for some of our best bits!

Buddy reading (Spring Term)

This term Class 5 have started buddy reading with Class 2. Every week Class 5 practise reading their favourite books at home, and then read them aloud to their buddy in reception on a Thursday afternoon. Afterwards they have the chance to talk about the story and recap their favourite bits again – it has been so much fun!

Bread making!

We had so much fun creating our own white bread rolls. We started by carefully reading our instructions and then followed these step by step to create a sticky dough. We then kneaded this dough and split it in half to create two bread rolls. We left them to rise and then put them into the oven for 20 minutes to bake – they looked and tasted amazing, and we had a great time working as a team to make them!


After lots of rehearsals and singing lessons, today the children in year 2 performed their Christmas Nativity - ‘The Meaning of Christmas’. All of the children did an amazing job. We had great singing, fantastic narrating and super actors all performing on the stage. It was a lovely start to Christmas. A massive well done to class 5 and class 6! Thank you to all of the parents, family and friends who came to watch. We hope you enjoyed it!

October 2019

We had a really busy end to our first half term in Class 5! In Science we investigated how our bodies react to exercise and finished our unit by using glitter to represent how germs are spread. We put some glitter on our hands and then rubbed them together, shaking them with our classmates. We realised how quickly and easily germs spread, so practiced good hand washing!

We then finished off the week by creating some lovely winter scenes. We painted some Autumn sunset backgrounds, adding a tree silhouette and fox to finish our picture off.

Completed globes!

This week we completed our globes by cutting out and sticking on the 7 continents. We had so much fun making them and can’t wait to use them to help us remember features of the world!

September 2019

We have already been back at school two weeks, and had a really exciting start to the term! This week we started creating our own globes for our Geography unit of work, which we are going to use to help us name the World’s continents and oceans. We began the process by carefully covering a balloon with newspaper, PVA glue and kitchen-roll. Next week we will be going on to paint our globes blue, ready to stick our continents on.



Gore Farm

Class 5 enjoyed their last trip of the year, to Gore Farm this week. It was a lovely sunny day and we started by bug hunting and pond dipping. We found newts, water boatmen and dragonfly larvae! We then enjoyed a lovely walk down to the woods and competed against each other in groups to make stick dens. We had to think carefully about where we put our dens and worked brilliantly in teams to create them together. We had so much fun!

Haynes Motor Museum - 6th June

Class 5 had a very exciting day at Haynes Motor Museum! We all had a go at three different activities. This included learning about the parts of a car, then having a go at making one by ourselves. We soon realised it worked better as a production line, because there are so many parts to remember and some of them were very fiddly! We also had a look around the whole museum, and had the challenge of finding as many car mascots as possible. We finished off with a guided tour and learned about cars throughout the ages – Miss Tucker had to dress up and chose two people to ride on the earliest invented car with her. It was very high up! We also all had a go at sitting in one of the first American cars…they were massive! We learnt so many new interesting facts ready for our new transport unit.

Arts week!

Class 5 finished the first busy summer term with an African themed arts week. We had so much fun mixing colours to make sunset pictures and especially enjoyed designing and painting some tribal masks which you can see below!

May 2019

Our recent Geography topic has been all about Kenya! Following on from our exciting trip to Longleat, we had homework over Easter to write or create something related to Kenya. Everybody worked really hard and some of us created safari animals, which have gone on display in our own mini safari!

During our Kenya topic we also learnt all about the Maasai Mara, a tribe who live in South West Kenya. We each created a fact file about the Maasai Mara and watched a video on their traditional jumping dance. We were so impressed at how high they could jump that we went outside to have a go to ourselves!

March 2019

Class 5 were really excited to receive the ‘cleanest classroom’ award last term. We’ve been working really hard to keep our classroom tidy and rewarded with some tasty treats, as well as £50 to spend on our class! We bought lots of new, exciting books for our classroom, which we have enjoyed reading and sharing as a class at the end of each day.

Class 5 have been really excited this term to begin buddy reading. Every Thursday they bring in one of their favourite stories and read it to somebody in Class 1, who also do the same. This has helped class 5 develop their reading skills and we have also been practicing using expression in our voices when we read! We then talk about our stories and which parts we enjoyed the most.

February 2019

On February 6th we were very lucky to be able to celebrate China Day! We spent time learning all about the Chinese New year and then had a special visitor who taught us some traditional Chinese dancing, using the famous dragon and lion costumes. We then spent the afternoon making lots of Chinese decorations including pig Chinese lanterns, colourful paper dragons, detailed pictures, spiral dragons and used pink paper strips to make pigs. We then enjoyed learning some traditional Mandarin phrases, which we practiced and shared with our friends.

Class 5 have also been working really hard on our maths this term. We spent a couple of weeks looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, going on shape hunts to find common shapes in the classroom. We found that rectangles and cubes were most commonly found and can be seen in items such as lunchboxes, drawers, books and doors. To help us understand more about 3D shape we were set a challenge…using only marshmallows and spaghetti we had to carefully create 3D shapes! We started with a cube to practice our skills and then some of us moved on to more difficult shapes such as cuboids and pyramids. We also discovered that it was impossible to make some of our 3D shapes such as spheres, because they have curved edges and faces, and our spaghetti was straight!

Class 5 have had a really busy Spring term so far!

January 2019

We started off the beginning of the year with a bread unit, which included tasting and then eventually making our own bread rolls! We tasted lots of different exciting breads including pitta bread, tortilla wraps and white and brown bread and looked at which other breads can be found all over the world. Our overall favourite was the white bread, but not many of us liked the tortilla wrap on its own.

After we had sampled the breads, we then spent time learning about how bread rolls are made. We created our own instructions for making bread rolls and then had a go ourselves! We really enjoyed weighing out the ingredients but found the kneading part tricky. We waited patiently for our bread rolls to rise and then sampled them…yummy!

Balloon Globes!

Class 5 have been working really hard for the past term to make some lovely continent balloons. First we had to carefully papier-mâché a balloon. We then painted our balloons blue and stuck on the seven continents using green paper. This has helped us learn and remember the continents of the world.

Year 2 wedding!

Class 5 have settled well into Year 2 and have had a really exciting start to the term!

In R.E we have been learning all about Christian weddings. To help us understand what happens during a Christian wedding, we held a year group wedding of our own last week. We all chose our favourite smart wedding outfits and watched the bride and groom (alongside their best men and bridesmaids!) get married. There was even a best man’s speech and wedding cake for us all to try…it was so much fun!

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