Aims of the School

We aim to provide a safe, caring, happy and well-ordered environment where everyone's contribution is valued, and all members of our school community develop their full potential.

Our Vision

For all children within our family of schools to have access to learning and experiences that allow them to be confident and ambitious, to realise their potential, and to believe in their own success. 

For each school within our trust to thrive and grow, to build and nurture a strong identity within its own community. 

Our Values


Teamwork in our trust starts with the children, who are taught the skills and benefits of collaboration throughout their primary journey.  Opportunities to work together are found through the taught and broader curriculum.  Schools in our trust, and their continued success, are reliant on the collective efforts of our staff team and parents working together to create school environments that nurture growth, learning, and personal development.


We want our children to be ambitious about the possibilities for themselves now and in the future, to believe that they can go beyond the expected, to refuse to be limited in what their lives can bring.  Schools in our trust are reflective and always seeking to improve. We believe that by working together, all schools can improve and should strive to do so. Our schools are ambitious for their children and view overcoming disadvantage as key. 


Kindness is the cornerstone of community. We work hard to help our children to value kindness and to become thoughtful, compassionate individuals who embrace difference and do the right thing even when no one is watching.We expect children, staff and parents to be thoughtful and considerate towards one another and to build positive relationships: to be kind and respectful in their interactions.


We believe that it is our role to enable all children to succeed.   Through our curriculum, broader offer and partnerships, we strive for all to reach their potential.  Success for schools in our trust builds on strong foundations in reading, writing and maths; to encompass other taught subjects, wider personal development, becoming a responsible member of the community and preparation for secondary school.    Through effective partnership, working schools in our trust are supported to succeed, to improve outcomes for the children in their care, and to meet their wider goals.

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