Class 10
Exploring Textures
In today’s lesson, we started by looking at pieces of art completed by different artists and considered the techniques they used to create texture within their work.
After this, we used different materials found around school to experiment with a range of textures and see how they change the depth of the piece or art work. We collected natural samples from the playground and used a range of art resources to do this.
Performance Poetry - 'Television' by Roald Dahl
This half term, Year 4 have been preparing for their Performance Poetry. They have learnt and performed ‘Television’ by Roald Dahl. We each took a line, and focused on performing it with accuracy, pace and expression. We then did a great job of performing their poem in assembly.
Roman Day!
For our Roman Day, we all came into school dressed in Roman outfits. During the day, we took part in lots of activities to begin to learn about what life as a Roman soldier might be like. In the morning, we designed our own Roman mosaic shields based on traditional designs, considering the meaning of each of the elements of the crest. We later created them ready for our battle in the afternoon.
After lunch, we went learnt how to march and move in a variety of different formations. Our favourites were The Tortoise, The Wedge and The Orb. Once we were confident with our formations, we had tag battles between the classes taking it in turns to act as the Romans and the unsuspecting Celts. We all thoroughly enjoyed our day and are looking forward to learning more about the Romans.
Art Week – Roman Pottery
This week we have been looking at Roman pottery. We have looked at a range of Roman pottery and learnt about the difference between coarse and fine ware. We then analysed two Roman pots, looking at the size, shape, colour and designs. We then looked at some more pots in detail and discussed what was similar and different. This helped us to create explorative drawings of different features of the pots, such as the handle, base, design and shape.
We spent a lesson experimenting with clay. This involved using different methods to shape it into a pot, as well as to create patterns and designs in the clay.
We designed our Roman pots in our sketchbooks, thinking carefully about the shape, size and decoration. We then used the skills we had developed so far to create our own Roman clay pots.
National Poetry Week
During National Poetry Week, Year 4 learnt and performed ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf’ from Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhymes’ book. We each took a line, and focused on performing it with accuracy, pace and expression. We then did a great job of performing our poems to each other!
Visit to the Newt Roman Villa
On Tuesday 24 September, Year 4 had the opportunity to visit The Newt Roman Villa. During the morning, we looked around the museum which included the original foundations of the Roman Villa and parts of a Roman mosaic which were uncovered on the site. We also had the chance to look around a realistic replica of the Roman Villa which was originally built on the site. We explored the various rooms of the Villa, including the kitchen, study, dining room and bathhouse. We all really enjoyed the trip and have enjoyed writing recounts of our experiences in English this week.
Performance Poetry
This half term, Year 4 have been preparing for their Performance Poetry. They have learnt and performed ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf’ from Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhymes’ book. We each took a line, and focused on performing it with accuracy, pace and expression. We then did a great job of performing their poem in assembly.
The Newt Trip
On Thursday, Year 4 had the opportunity to visit The Newt Roman Villa. During the morning, we looked around the museum which included the original foundations of the Roman Villa and parts of a Roman mosaic which were uncovered on the site. We also had the chance to look around a realistic replica of the Roman Villa which was originally built on the site. We explored the various rooms of the Villa, including the kitchen, study, dining room and bathhouse. We all really enjoyed the trip and have enjoyed writing recounts of our experiences in English this week.
Art Exhibition
This week, Year 4 enjoyed visiting our school Art Exhibition where we were able to look at a range of lovely artwork that different classes had produced. While we were at the Exhibition, the Art Ambassadors from each class did a great job of explaining what they had done during our Art Week last half term. We were also able to share some of our own art work with our peers, such as our Roman pot designs and the pottery we created.
Roman Day
For our Roman hook day we all came into school dressed in Roman outfits. During the day, we took part in lots of activities to begin to learn about what life as a Roman soldier might be like.
In the morning, we designed our own Roman mosaic shields based on traditional designs, considering the meaning of each of the elements of the crest. We later created them ready for our battle in the afternoon.
After lunch, we went out onto the playground and learnt how to march and move in a variety of different formations. Our favourites were The Tortoise, The Wedge and The Orb. Once we were confident with our formations, we had tag battles between the classes taking it in turns to act as the Romans and the unsuspecting Celts. We all thoroughly enjoyed our day and are looking forward to learning more about the Romans.
Author Visit - Annelise Gray
Year 4 enjoyed a visit from children’s author Annelise Gray. She told us all about her ‘Circus Maximus’ book series and then we had the opportunity to ask her lots of questions about her experiences as an author. We especially enjoyed her presentation because it linked to our Romans topic, so we had lots of ideas to share with her about life in Ancient Rome.
Science - Circuits
Today we had the chance to test out a range of circuits to see if our predictions were correct. We started by discussing our prediction for each circuit picture to see if we thought the bulb would light up. In small groups, we made each of the circuits in turn and discussed if our predictions were correct. We found that the bulb only lit up when the circuit was complete. This means the bulb is connected with wires to both the positive and negative ends of the cell, without any breaks in the circuit.
Design and Technology- Sewing Cushions
As part of our design and technology topic, we have been practicing our sewing skills. We began by using felt and thread to practice different stiches including running stitch, cross stitch and applique.
We were then given a design brief to design a cushion for the gift shop of either London Aquarium or The Iceland volcano museum. Once we had decided which one we wanted to use, we chose a fabric colour and decoration to match the brief. Later, we put our sewing skills to the test when we stitched and stuffed our cushions.
Vocabulary Day
For vocabulary, we came in dressed as an ambitious vocabulary word. In the morning, we spent some time sharing our words with the class and explaining their meanings and why we had chosen them.
Later in the day, we had the opportunity to participate in a ‘Vocabulary Parade’, where we connected with other KS2 children to share our words. We were given the challenge to learn four new words, as well as their definitions and to use them in a sentence.
Sherborne Abbey Trip
To link in with our RE work on Christianity, we went on a trip to visit Sherborne Abbey. We were met by the church warden who gave us a tour and told us lots of interesting facts about the history of the building. We learnt that the Abbey was named St Mary after Jesus’ mother Mary. It was really exciting to be able to look around this incredible building and make links to what we had learnt about so far in RE.
Pompeii News Report
To finish our Geography topic on ‘What Makes the Earth Rumble?’, we produced our own news reports from the scene of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD. In groups, we used our knowledge of the eruption and the impacts it had on the city of Pompeii to produce an exciting news report which we shared with everyone in Year 4.
To conclude our topic on sound, we had a go at designing and creating our very own musical instruments. As part of our planning process, we had to think about the materials we would use and how we would go about making them. We also had to consider how we could change the volume and pitch of the sounds created by our instruments. In Monday’s lesson, we used recycled materials to create the instruments. Later in the lesson, we had the chance to play them and share them with the rest of the class.
Design and Technology Torches
This week, as part of our Design and Technology unit, we had a go at making our own torches. We began by analysing different torches that are already available on the market. We then choose either Evelyn or Isiah to make a torch for and created a design to fit their personal specifications. We then set about making our torches out of recycled materials. Using what we had learnt in science about electricity, we built working circuits with switches to fit inside our torch cases to make them light up. Once our torches were complete, we considered what went well and what we would change next time while writing our evaluations.
Wellbeing Workshop
Today we were visited by Darcy, a previous student from Huish who now works as a professional dancer. She talked to us about her time at Huish and how she had felt anxious at times. We shared some ideas for ways to help yourself if you are feeling anxious or worried and our suggestions included talking to a trusted adult, doing something nice to distract ourselves and doing some exercise. Darcy explained that dancing really helps her when she is feeling anxious and we thought that this could help us to. She taught a dance to ‘This is Me’ from the Greatest Showman and ‘You Will Be Found’ from Dear Even Hansen, which we really enjoyed learning and performing.
Roman Day
Year 4 have completed their first term of swimming. They have all worked really hard. Some students were nominated by their teachers for outstanding effort and excellent listening. Well done to everyone.
Today we had the chance to test out a range of circuits to see if our predictions were correct. Last lesson, we wrote a prediction for each circuit picture to see if we thought the bulb would light up. In small groups, we made each of the circuits in turn and discussed if our predictions were correct. We found that the bulb only lit up when the circuit was complete. This means the bulb is connected with wires to both the positive and negative ends of the cell, without any breaks in the circuit.
Year 4 have been learning about money this half term. To end the unit, we made a shop to put everything we had learnt into practise. We added the totals of the items we wanted to buy, decided which coins we should use and then calculated the change we would receive back. As a challenge, we tried to work which items we could afford with a set amount of money.
Art Week
For this term’s art week, Year 4 have been experimenting with texture. They used a variety of different materials to create their own volcano pictures. A range of colours and art techniques were used to create a different mood on each side of the picture.
Mental Health Awareness Day
Today we have been celebrating mental health day in a variety of creative ways. The day began with a discussion about what mental health is and different ways we can support our own mental health.
Later, we shared the story of ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy. We each chose our favourite page and had a go at innovating it with our own water colour illustrations and inspirational quotes.
In the afternoon, we were had a conversation about what mindfulness is and how it can help us. We put this into practise by sewing our own bookmarks to use when reading our favourite stories. We ended the day by sharing some pages from ‘The Fantastic Book of Feelings’.
This week, as part of our Design and Technology unit, we had a go at making our own torches. We began by analysing different torches that are already available on the market. We then choose either Evelyn or Isiah to make a torch for and created a design to fit their personal specifications. We then set about making our torches out of recycled materials. Using what we had learnt in science about electricity, we built working circuits with switches to fit inside our torch cases to make them light up. Once our torches were complete, we considered what went well and what we would change next time while writing our evaluations.
Earth Day
For this year’s Earth day, we learnt about environmental activists and the impact they have on saving the planet. We Started by discussing what an activist does and talking about Greta Thunberg and why she is famous. We shared the book ‘Old enough to save the planet’ and learnt about lots of child activists who campaign to save the planet. In small groups, we completed some research about some of these activists and created a profile about all of the things they have done.
After break, we worked with a partner to come up with a mini manifesto of ideas of how we would like to save the planet. We formulated a short presentation that we later shared with the class. As a class, we decided on 5 key pledges that we wanted to make to help save our planet.
Roman Trip
On Tuesday, Year 4 had the opportunity to visit the Dorset museum in Dorchester. Here they completed a workshop which allowed them to act as archaeologists and dig for buried artefacts. They split into groups and uncovered the remains of two Roman people surrounded by their belongings. The children were able to make inferences about the people’s lives based on what they had been buried with.
Later on, they explored the museum in search of their artefacts. On a guided tour, they were able to learn that these artefacts were and what the Romans would have used them for.
After lunch, the children took a short walk to the remains of Britain’s only surviving Roman town house. They explored the outside and saw a fantastic example of a Roman Hypocaust (Central heating) system before going inside. Once inside, the children saw an array of perfectly preserved mosaics that had been created by the Romans.
They all enjoyed the trip and have enjoyed writing recounts of their experiences in English this week.
Art Week
This week we have been looking at Roman pottery.
We have looked at a range of Roman pottery and learned about the difference between coarse and fine ware. We then analysed two Roman pots, looking at the size, shape, colour and designs.
We then looked at some more pots in detail and discussed what was similar and different. This helped us to create explorative drawings of different features of the pots, such as the handle, base, design and shape.
We spend a lesson experimenting with clay. This involved using different methods to shape it into a pot, as well as to create patterns and designs in the clay.
We then used the skills we had developed so far to create our own Roman clay pots. We designed the pots in our sketchbooks, thinking carefully about the shape, size and decoration. We were then given a small piece of clay to create our design; first shaping it into a pot and then adding patterns.
When we had finished our pots, we spend some time evaluating them. We went around the room and shared our designs, discussing the techniques we had use and giving each other stars and wishes for our designs. We then evaluated our own pots in our sketchbooks, thinking about what went well and what we would change next time.
Roman Day
For our Roman day we all came into school dressed in Roman outfits. During the day, we took part in lots of activities to begin to learn about what life as a Roman soldier might be like. In the morning, we designed our own Roman shields based on traditional designs, considering the meaning of each of the elements of the crest. We later painted them ready for our battle in the afternoon.
We also had the opportunity to make some biscuits using a traditional Roman recipe. We sweetened the oat-based biscuits with honey just like the Romans would have done. We took them home to sample.
After lunch, we went out onto the playground and learnt how to march and move in a variety of different formations. Our favourites were The Tortoise, The Wedge and The Orb. Once we were confident with our formations, we had tag battles between the classes taking it in turns to act as the Romans and the unsuspecting Celts. We all thoroughly enjoyed our day and are looking forward to learning more about the Romans.
Today we had the chance to test out a range of circuits to see if our predictions were correct. Last lesson, we wrote a prediction for each circuit picture to see if we thought the bulb would light up. In small groups, we made each of the circuits in turn and discussed if our predictions were correct. We found that the bulb only lit up when the circuit was complete. This meant the bulb was connected with wires to both the positive and negative ends of the cell, without any breaks in the circuit.
After finding out how sugary drinks can damage our teeth, we made our own toothpaste. We mixed bicarbonate of soda, glycerine, salt and peppermint together to form a toothpaste. We learnt how toothpaste helps to protect the enamel by using sodium fluoride and bicarbonate soda to neutralize acids from our foods and drinks. Following making the toothpaste, we were given time to work as a group and produce an advert to promote our product. These proved very amusing and we enjoyed the role play.
Volcano Eruptions
During our Geography topic, we have been learning how volcanoes are formed and what happens when they erupt. Over the last few lessons, we have our DT skills to construct our own volcanoes out of plastic bottles and papier mâché. Today we used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to cause a chemical reaction inside the bottles. This enabled us to replicate what happens when a volcano starts to erupt. For the finale, we used Coca Cola and Mentos to cause a giant eruption.
During our geography topic, we have been learning about all of the things that make the earth rumble. We have learnt about how mountains and volcanoes are formed when tectonic plates move beneath the earth’s crust. We researched how volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis can all have a devastating impact on the areas in which they happen. In this session, we used papier mache around plastic bottles to create our own volcanoes that we hope to erupt later on in the term. It was a messy task but we enjoyed the challenge!
International Day
We couldn’t finish the Egyptian unit without having a closer look at the magnificent pyramids. Having learnt about mummification, we knew the pyramids were built as tombs for the great Pharaohs but their actual construction remains a mystery. For their task, the children had to design their own pyramid and construct it. Have a look at these awesome designs!
Egyptian Homework
On Friday, Year 4 enjoyed sharing their Egyptian themed homework. They all had the opportunity to speak to their peers about what they had created and look at each other’s work. After that, they had the chance to celebrate their work further by showing it to the children in the other Year 4 class.
Science - Sound
This week, we had our very first science lesson on sound. We learnt that all sounds are made by vibrations. During the lesson, we completed a variety of activities that allowed us to see the vibrations in action when sounds are being made. These included placing rice on top of a drum, placing a tuning fork into water, blowing across the top of bottles and twanging rulers on the edge of the table. This helped us to see which part of each object was vibrating to make the sound. For example, the skin on the drum vibrated when it was hit and this created the sound.
Science - Circuits
Last week, Class 10 enjoyed completing their very first science experiment of the year! They made predictions about a range of different circuits to say if they thought the bulb would light up. In small groups, they made each of circuits in turn using the electrical components. They found that only the circuits that were complete would make the bulb light up.
Welcome to Class 10
Class 10 have settled in really well after returning to school. They have produced lots of fantastic pick ‘n’ mix homework which they are looking forward to sharing with the rest of Year 4 in the weeks to come. The children have been enjoying their first history lessons on the topic of Ancient Egyptians. They enjoyed creating visual timelines and working together to see where the Ancient Egyptians fit in history.
Ukraine Poster
Well done George on your poster about Ukraine
Hattie's Week
Hattie has enjoyed doing the character descriptions for English and this weeks science experiment. She has been doing well with her timetables and spellings. Well done Hattie keep up the good work!
Roman Day
For our Roman hook day we all came into school dressed in Roman outfits. During the day, we took part in lots of activities to begin to learn about what life as a Roman soldier might be like. In the morning, we designed our own Roman shields based on traditional designs, considering the meaning of each of the elements of the crest. We later painted them ready for our battle in the afternoon.
After lunch, we went out onto the playground and learnt how to march and move in a variety of different formations. Our favourites were The Tortoise, The Wedge and The Orb. Once we were confident with our formations, we had tag battles between the classes taking it in turns to act as the Romans and the unsuspecting Celts. We all thoroughly enjoyed our day and are looking forward to learning more about the Romans.
Having studied Pompeii and several other volcanic eruptions, for the final lesson of the half-term Year 4 erupted their very own volcanoes using a concoction of ingredients! Although the Coke and Mentos experiment wasn't as volatile as we hoped, the children all loved to see their projects ooze foamy, red lava!
Panpipe Professionals
As part of our Science unit on sound, Year 4 have been learning about amplitude and pitch. The children learnt that the amplitude of a sound is related to the size of the vibrations and that pitch is a variable that can changed on an instrument so that it can make both high and low sounds. For their activity, the children cut a series of straws to different lengths to create their very own set of panpipes. Following some extensive practise, we were able to achieve a tune!
This week Year 4 were asked to create a brand new sweet treat that could be sold in Waitrose stores across the Country. In small groups, they worked together to design a company name and logo to represent their products. Their next task was to design their brand new product and the packaging to sell it in.
Once they had their product they needed to work out how much it would cost to make, how much they could sell it for and the profit they would generate. To promote their products, they created their own advertising campaign and again worked out how much it would cost to make their TV adverts, billboards, posters and leaflets.
Finally, they pitched their product ideas to the managers of Waitrose to find out which product they wanted to use in their stores.
Egyptian Bake-Off!
'As part of our Ancient Egyptian topic, we have been investigating the different types of foods that the Ancient Egyptians grew and ate. On Friday, we attempted to replicate an Egyptian flatbread recipe that is over 3500 years old! The flatbread is known as Aish Baladi and was commonly eaten throughout Egypt. Before baking, the children worked together to crack the code and calculate the correct quantities of ingredients. Following this, in groups the children made the dough and allowed it to prove. In the afternoon, they baked their dough and were able to try the show stopper!'
Ancient Egyptian Hook day
Year 4’s hook day began with some Egyptian maths. Using the Ancient Egyptian symbols they were given, the children worked hard to solve a range of increasingly complicated problems.
Later on, Year 4 studied a range of Ancient Egyptian death masks. They used these ideas to design their very own death masks, which they made by painting paper plates. Whilst looking at death masks, the children explored the Ancient Egyptian mummification process and even had a go at mummifying one of their classmates!
In the afternoon, the children learnt who built the Egyptian Pyramids and what they would have been used for in Ancient Egyptian times. They then created their own 3-D pyramids by decorating the net of a square based pyramid with hieroglyphics before folding and sticking them to create the 3-D shape.
New Barn Trip
Class 10 had a wonderful visit to the New Barn Field Centre near Dorchester. The children took part in a range of activities which included: grinding wheat using quern stones, making a poultice for a cut or wound by grinding leaves in a pestle and mortar, churning cream to make butter and trying to start a fire using a bow drill! The children had to be patient and persevere as most of these activities took some time. After lunch, we visited two roundhouses and found out what life would have been like for Stone Age men and women. We would like to thank the adults who accompanied us on our trip. They were very impressed with the children's behaviour and their attitude to learning.
Class 10 have been learning about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions this term. As part of our topic, we made our own volcanoes using empty plastic bottles and newspaper. We then did our own eruptions on the school playground using the following ingredients: bicarbonate of soda, food colouring, washing up liquid, vinegar and water. Unfortunately, our experiment with Mentos and Coke didn't work as we hoped it would and so we plan to repeat this later in the term!
Mr Egypt visits Huish!
Year 4 were very lucky to have a visit from an Egyptologist this week! First, we all gathered in the hall to learn more about the Geography of Egypt. Thebes was the ancient capital of Egypt but now Cairo is the capital city. We learnt about how important children were in Egyptian society, what they wore, the jobs they did and the toys they played with. After break, we wrote our names in hieroglyphics and solved some addition calculations and word problems using Egyptian numbers. In the afternoon, we found out about the weighing of the heart ceremony and how Egyptians mummified bodies in preparation for the afterlife. The highlight was our mummy-wrapping competition. In groups of 6, the children had 5 minutes to mummify a group member using a roll of toilet paper! This was great fun and you can see how successful they were from the photos above. Everyone enjoyed the day – thank you to all of the parents for supporting this!
Class 10 are archaeologists
Welcome to Class 10’s blog! I hope that you all had a great Summer break (it seems a long time ago now!) The children are settling in well to Year 4 and are enjoying their learning. In our first history lesson, we were archaeologists! We used paintbrushes and magnifying glasses to investigate some treasures that were buried in the sand! Everyone was really sensible and methodical and all the Egyptian treasures were successfully unearthed! We are looking forward to a visit from Mr Egypt at the beginning of October.